Monday 7 January 2013

PASI PARUPPU DOSAI (Moong Dal Dosa) a healthy breakfast



  • Pasi paruppu or moong dal  -  2 cups
  • Raw rice                               -  3  tsp
  • sliced ginger                        -   1/2 tsp  
  • mustard seeds                    -    1 tsp
  • Red chilli                            -    2 nos
  • Curry leaves                      -   5 leaves
  • asafotida                           -  1/2 tsp
  • Salt to taste.

 Soak the pasi paruppu and rice in water for 1 hour. Grind the pasi paruppu and rice with red chili,ginger and salt and asafoetida make soft batter.  Heat the pan and pour one ladle of batter and spread it .  Add 1 tsp of gingley oil to make it crispy.  Coconut ginger chutney is a good combination for this Dosa. Pasi paruppu is very rich in minerals and very good for health.

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